Monday, September 2, 2013

The reasons we teach at home.

On the Eve of a new school year, I am busy with all the many thoughts and ideas that go along with schooling children in the home. I do feel a need to put the reasons for "homeschooling" out there again, for any of those who question, wonder, and otherwise believe we are crazy.
Here is a basic list, by no means inclusive:

1. My husband and I believe our Maker has called us to teach our children in the home.
2. We want our children to learn our beliefs in their schooling, not the agenda of the greater schooling community.
3. Our children have enough bad habits. They do not need to pick any more up or pass any on to the children out there.
4. How many school shootings have you seen in the news in the past few years? Granted, we most likely won't have them in Glennallen, Alaska, but anger is everywhere...

These are our main reasons. Calling, Beliefs, Habits and Safety.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Go in Peace,
Sasha Jean

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