Wednesday, October 7, 2009

25 weeks

This past week I helped a friend in labor. I am so glad I am not trying a first birth in Dominica. I know what to expect from my labor- fast and hard. Trajun's labor was very hard and slow until the last when I went from 4cm to 10 cm in 3 hours.
No pain killers this time. Trinton was long and relatively easy compared to Trajun. We will see how long I stay in the shower for pain relief.
I wonder who will be there... If I go to 40 weeks, Travis will be in class and I will have the children here at home. My friend, who may be coming to help, will also be in class.
Trinton was born just after 5pm, Trajun about 12:48am. The girls don't count because they were scheduled.
If this is a girl, we get to break the flow of girls getting c-section, boys natural. This even applies to mom and dad! Taleah, Taya, and I were all c-section, the guys all natural (doesn't mean without drugs.)

What's happening with baby:
Your baby-to-be's lungs are developing rapidly, although she'd probably need a little help breathing if she were born at this point. Her respiratory system continues to develop, her nostrils are open, and she can breathe—but she won't take her first breath of air until delivery day. Her reproductive organs are formed (in boys, the testes have descended). Her skin is translucent and wrinkled, and he can hear your stomach when it gurgles and your voice when you sing. Your baby is becoming more aware of how she can move—she's wiggling her fingers and toes!
Your baby has grown to about one pound, eight ounces and she's nearly nine inches long (crown to rump).

Lately Junior has been having hiccups several times a day. He usually is head down making the thumping forward and below my belly button. One night I thought he was kicking but it was too rhythmic for kicking; baby had turned and had his shoulder against my belly button. The bumps were mid belly and I felt them stronger than usual.
We have been listening to baby's heartbeat again. Good to have the Doppler back. We have heard a steady little train engine. When active, baby's heartbeat tends toward 150, when still toward 130. I think that means girl, but I forget which way it goes. At this point, we have a 50/50 chance.

1 comment:

  1. With mine: the girls were fast, the boys were slow heartbeats. I LOVED listening to the heartbeat! ahh.. almost makes me want to have another. Almost! :)


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