Wednesday, July 8, 2009

7 weeks along!

Because of a 21 day cycle, I am 8 weeks from LMP and 7 weeks from conception. I go by the conceptual or gestational age.

The latest in this pregnancy is me starting to “show”. I was reading that my uterus is bigger than a grapefruit and the baby is the size of quarter. Funny to think it went from something microscopic to this size in only 7 weeks!

The heart is beating strong. The face looks more baby-like each day. The eyes are developed but concealed, and nose, lips, and ears are becoming more defined. Baby is also starting to exercise the expanding muscles. The fingers and toes are looking less like stubs. The reproductive organs are developing.

Here is a picture of a 7 week gestation baby. Not mine. They don't have that kind of technology here.

And here is what size the baby is compared to an wedding ring.

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