Have you ever felt like your mind left your body? I am feeling totally mindless. Yesterday morning I was making spaghetti sauce for lunch and took off the lid to stir the sauce. I remember thinking that if I hold my arm there, the steam will get me. Well, for some insane reason, my thought to move did not correlate with my body actions, and I ended up with a 2nd degree skin burn on my left arm. Duh! Move your arm!
I have had more episodes of mindless pregnant woman lately. This morning I went to lift the water filter and, being too heavy, it slipped out of my hands and created a flood on the kitchen floor. Dropping it also broke one of the filter candles.
I think I am on autopilot!
Congrats on #6!!! (I've been terrible at keeping up with your blog) I was lucky to never have morning sickness with any of my 4 pregnancies!!