Friday night we had a little scare. I had a bit of spotting. Just once, but it was still scary. Travis kids me that it is the twin implanting! I quipped back that it was the triplet because we already had twins. Right.
But all is well, so maybe a little bit of movement or deeper implantation. I don't know what I will do if there is more than one. Just go on with life, I suppose.
Saturday I took it very easy. I napped and stayed mostly inactive. Today I did almost the same. I am noticing that I am more nauseous and smells affect me greatly. I usually love the smell of garlic and onions cooking. Not anymore. They make me very queasy.
I wonder how I will be on the plane on the 23rd. Better take an oil infused cloth and mints with me. I am debating taking my computer, but what if I am stuck in the airport for a long time. That will happen if we don't get a rental car and/or hotel room. I am hoping to go to Walmart and Costco, but I may just stay close to the beach and airport. So in the end, I will take my computer. If I end up not shopping, I will have a lot of time on my hands. If I get to shop, I will have a car and can leave my bag in the car.
Signing off.
Rest sweetie, take it easy!