Sunday, July 26, 2009

9 weeks gestation

I am 9 weeks gestation. I have been pretty tired lately and want to sleep all the time. I read that it is supposed to ease up pretty soon, by the end of the week 10 of gestation. I will be so happy.
I have been craving cheddar cheese like crazy. I suspect I need more calcium. And protein.

What's going on with the baby this week: Your baby-to-be's body still may look a little strange. At this point in development the head makes up nearly half of his body size. Don't worry, in the next few weeks the rest of his body will catch up. Right now, part of your baby's small intestine coils around the umbilical cord outside his body—this will change soon, too.
Your baby weighs in at about three-tenths of an ounce this week, and his length is just under two and one-half inches (crown to rump).

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