Sunday, August 23, 2009

15 weeks

I have started going by "regular" weeks on the 40 week schedule. It was getting some people confused about how far along I am.

I have not been posting lately. The bad weather came through and then my internet went haywire, so I am using Travis' pc to post.

A look at baby: Your baby weighs about 1.75 ounces and is about 4 to 4.5 inches in length. His or her heart is growing strong and, even though it is little, it is pumping between 20 and 25 quarts of blood every 24 hours. By the time you are ready to deliver, your baby's heart will be circulating up to 300 quarts of blood every 24 hours. Many fetuses develop their future hairline pattern this week, although it can take quite a bit longer for some babies' hairline or hair to fully develop. (Thanks to

Me: I am feeling more heartburn and tiredness. I almost retch at the thought of vitamins. Lately I have an aversion to chicken. Just can't stand it in any form. The baby is moving in more regular patterns. More wake and sleep, kicking about 10 minutes after I eat. I am beginning to wonder if I miscounted, but I am absolutely sure on LMP.

I am showing more and can't hide it except under a huge baggy t-shirt.

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